Corporate Behavior

The term corporate behavior (CB) describes the way a company acts as part of their strategic self-presentation. Basically, it defines how the values of a company are expressed in the acting of its employees, supervisors, and bosses while dealing with internal or external manners. Having a corporate behavior does not mean that everyone working at the company has to act the same, but rather that, in their function, everyone faithfully signalizes that the company's values and goals are also their own. Some marketers in the industry say that corporate behavior is the most important for building an identity because it represents what a company does and not what it looks like (CD) or sounds like (CC).

Role Model

A CEO or in general a head of a company plays a big role in the field of corporate behavior. She or he has to live and act by the principles of the corporate behavior the most because they act as a role model. If an employer does not apply to the defined corporate behavior the employees will not either. In general, it is said that a CB is only as good as the leader of the company represents it.


To link the outer and inner behavior as closely as possible and to promote this close connection has to be a major goal for corporate behavior. One way companies try to do this is identity oriented sponsoring. Some people argue that the whole CB thing is kind of theoretical and does not make big difference in real life, but with sponsoring they are proven wrong in a big way. By sponsoring cultural or sports events and providing the financial support for festivals and other events, cooperations are trying to become a part of the community.

The best example for identity oriented sponsoring is Red Bull and their sponsoring of sports events. When someone thinks about the company Red Bull they do not think about a tasty energy drink they think about a lifestyle about action and adventure. Because whenever you see some sports event on tv most of the time red bull is a sponsor and has its name and logo everywhere. Ultimately the goal of every company is to have such an image that is linked to positive emotions for the general public.

Red Bull

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